Dec 27, 2022
May our hearts go out to the un-saved and un-hopeful people who have no “Hope Delivered” on Christmas day.
Dec 21, 2022
This message of hope is for the world; The lost, broken, ungodly, hurting, and sick. It is our job and joy to share this hope with the world!
Dec 13, 2022
Jesus Christ is our one and only true hope. The wait is over, God has done His part, salvation has been delivered, and hope is available! Now it is up to us to share hope!
Dec 7, 2022
There are many Christmas stories and traditions that are not as accurate as you might think. Take the Christmas test and tune in as Pastor Waxer talks about the history of Christmas.
Nov 30, 2022
All humans have eternal life, the question is not only where will you live it, but how will you live your eternal life? Learning how to live for eternity with God begins the moment you are born again, and the is eternal living.