Mar 31, 2015
Palm Sunday, also known as "The Triumphal Entry", was the day that Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem. On this day, the crowds praised Jesus as their "king", but only 5 days later, shouted "crucify Him"! Who do we understand that guy on the donkey to be? Have we, like the crowd, thrown our garments on and put Jesus...
Mar 22, 2015
2 Corinthians 5:21 - "For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God"
Mar 15, 2015
Jesus continues to stress the fact that He is coming quickly! Do we as Christians, live the imminent return of Jesus Christ? Are lives being changed? Are we, the Bride, telling others to "come" to Jesus?
Mar 8, 2015
John sees the River and Tree of Life in the City of God. Our destiny as children of God is beyond all we can dream or imagine. Jesus says His words are faithful and true and that He is coming quickly. Are you ready?