Oct 28, 2018
Knowing the history of corrupt and unjust trials, Paul appeals to Caesar to hear his case. There is a plan. Despite our circumstances, God sees the whole picture.
Oct 21, 2018
Paul is brought before Felix because of false accusations against him. But the only thing he claims to be guilty of is being a follower of The Way. We should be guilty of the following things: being a follower of The Way, believing in the scriptures, believing in the resurrection, and being faultless. Paul ends up...
Oct 14, 2018
A plot to take Paul's life is put into action, but overheard by Paul's nephew. Paul is then given 470 soldiers to escort him to Herod's beach house, where he spends the next two years getting some much needed R&R.
Oct 7, 2018
Paul is standing before the council of Pharisees and Sadducees and brings up the topic of the resurrection, thus starting riot #3. The Lord stands by Paul and tells him to take courage. God has a plan even in the darkest hour.