Jun 28, 2021
Some see the cross as the end of Jesus’ ministry; But this is as foolish as seeing your wedding day as the “End of Dating” after marriage. I didn’t end something the day I got married… I entered in to something even more amazing! Something richer, deeper, and more consistent!
Jun 23, 2021
Who did the rabbis teach was the only one who could cleanse leprosy? God! If the priests declared the leper clean but rejected the One who cleansed him, their unbelief would be incriminating evidence against...
Jun 15, 2021
Prayer is great in times of crisis, but it is even more effective when we are prepared for whatever may come by being filled in the spirit. That’s the thing about tragedy, most often it comes unexpected.
Jun 9, 2021
But our God is patient and kind! He bears our imperfections with love and grace, believes wholeheartedly in us, is filled with hope over who we are, and joyfully endures our process of sanctification.
Jun 2, 2021
Jesus had just come from the house of Simon the Leper… where a woman lavished on Jesus a great act of honor and worship… though she probably didn’t know it, Jesus said, “She has anointed my body for the burial.” Now, one day later, he and his disciples are preparing for the Passover and Jesus’ thoughts...