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Live Celebrations Saturdays 5PM HST & Sundays 8AM HST 10:30 AM HST Waxer Tipton invites you to join One Love Ministries in Honolulu Hawaii - Live Now. If your ever in town come visit us. We are located on the Island of Oahu in the Kaka’ako area. For more information about One Love Ministries

Apr 26, 2020

Jesus says your logic is flawed. You’ve judged me solely from other people’s representation rather than who I revealed myself to be. Do you think I’m too small to right every wrong and use every hurt for good if I spoke the universe into existence? How do you expect to know my plans if my ways are infinitely...

Apr 19, 2020

Jesus summons those whom He Himself wanted… Jesus does not call these men out of some disinterested obligation of duty. He calls them because He wants them, He chooses them out of His own love for them.

Apr 12, 2020

When did Jesus die? On any Special Day? And when was He in the Tomb? So then, when what day did He rise?

Apr 12, 2020

Today is the day that we see Him alive... But what made this morning so incredible, so world changing was how the world last saw Him; dead, beaten, bloodied, and wearing a crown of thorns.

Apr 5, 2020

The people thought the Parade Was “Political” but the Angels knew it was Prophetical...all these things happened coinciding together to fulfill God's plan.